Learning Tree+ Advantage Plan Terms & Conditions

Learning Tree+ Advantage Terms and Conditions

  • Learning Tree+ Advantage subscription plans may not be combined with any other discounts, promotions, or other savings programs except where explicitly stated.
  • Courses may be added or removed from the subscription during the term, included courses can be found on our course list page.
  • Users may not enroll in courses that run concurrently and may only be enrolled in a maximum of two future courses at any given time.
  • Users must notify Learning Tree (see Contact Us section below) two weeks prior to the start date of the course if they wish to cancel a course enrollment. Multiple no-shows or inadequate cancellation notices may result in suspension of a user’s subscription.
  • Courses may be subject to cancellation due to low enrollment and other factors.
  • Subscription access is granted to the named user and is non-transferable. Sharing an account, including sharing the content of a training, is not permitted.
  • The subscription will renew upon expiration of the then current term for an additional 12-month term, unless either party gives the other written notice of non-renewal at least 45 days prior to the end of the then applicable term.
  • Pricing may be subject to change upon renewal not to exceed a five (5) percent increase.
  • Live courses are offered on a space-available basis.
  • Users must attend and complete all live courses in which they are enrolled.
  • User attendance shall be remote or virtual only.
  • Users may repeat a class but will not receive courseware or exam vouchers (if applicable) when repeating a class unless purchased for an additional fee.
  • Additional terms apply. View complete Terms of Service.

Contact Us

    United States 888-780-8733 or UScourses@learningtree.com
    Canada 888-780-8733 or cncourses@learningtree.ca 
    United Kingdom +44 (0) 207 874 5000 & 0800 282 353 or customer_services@learningtree.co.uk 
    Sweden 08-506 668 00 or info@LearningTree.se

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