Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed fermentum urna eget turpis cursus tempus. Nunc imperdiet enim vitae lectus condimentum, nec ullamcorper arcu pharetra. Maecenas mattis hendrerit enim quis vestibulum. Nullam nec diam tempor, aliquet mauris ac, porta elit. Suspendisse tempus dolor id lacus hendrerit condimentum. Nunc nec facilisis lorem. Curabitur posuere ac urna et rhoncus. Suspendisse eu turpis non quam pellentesque gravida ut et lectus. Suspendisse est risus, ullamcorper et felis vestibulum, iaculis vulputate mi. Praesent nec ornare arcu. Sed mattis dui leo. Integer mi augue, aliquet nec hendrerit eget, iaculis id turpis. Morbi tempor varius ipsum sed ornare. Ut vel odio vel tellus volutpat convallis. Vestibulum enim turpis, pellentesque vehicula congue ac, rutrum eu dui. Mauris eu risus at erat pulvinar dictum nec et diam. Vivamus accumsan leo consectetur justo dapibus pellentesque. Sed ut faucibus tellus. Aliquam erat volutpat. Morbi quis tempor tortor, eget vehicula risus. Aliquam fermentum elit nec sapien tincidunt, in lacinia est tempor. Quisque est velit, vestibulum eu purus ac, tempus rhoncus magna. Fusce mollis vestibulum porta. Suspendisse auctor nulla et varius tempor. Nam egestas fringilla aliquam.

You Will Learn:

  • Latin?
  • Why do face filters on Zoom trigger the uncanny valley response?
  • Can you hear me?
  • Why I think your mic is not on?
  • Why bright lighting and windows behind you make your face look shadowed for the camera?
  • Poise! Poise! Poise!

Two sessions are available, 9 AM and 12 PM EDT. (1300 UTC and 1600 UTC)

Earn 1 CEU. Credits are self-reported to the industry certifying bodies. Check their respective websites for details/qualifications.

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Learning Tree International is the premier global provider of innovative learning solutions, driving impact by empowering organizations to harness technology and adopt effective business practices. For over 50 years, we have delivered excellence, helping more than 65,000 organizations and 3 million individuals grow their careers while transforming competence and culture worldwide. Through innovation, we continue to shape the future of professional development and organizational success.

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